Video Transcription
Terezu a Nikolu.
A rodiče co pracují?
Máma to dělá v válně ve výrobně, v ravaku.
No ale stejně to s Adriánkou. Já nevím jak si to představujete.
Ale já si myslím, že se dokáže postarat.
Terezu a Nikolu.
A rodiče co pracují?
Máma to dělá v válně ve výrobně, v ravaku.
No ale stejně to s Adriánkou. Já nevím jak si to představujete.
Ale já si myslím, že se dokáže postarat.
It was meant to be his first meeting with his future wife's mother. He brought some flowers, he was a nice man after all. Too bad he could not resist the temptation! Watch the sleazy-minded in-law, or should we say, in-law-to-be, send her daughter to get some food and shamelessly seduce the guy. He was shocked, but his meaty buddy just wasn't. The lady got his thick cock from every possible angle and ate the entire load in the end. Oh, and then came the wife-to-be. Damn! At least she had the flowers to thrash both of them with!